How often should I get my headshots taken?


When you are regularly auditioning, any change in casting material is a new opportunity to reintroduce yourself to the world! When you get new headshots you can post them on social media, update your website, refresh your casting accounts, contact representation, and more. Headshots - being the investment that they are - should have a certain amount of longevity built in. The right shot - with an exciting amount of specificity - can be a go-to photo for a long time for an actor. When inquiring about headshot-update frequency, there’s not really a correct answer. Depending on who you are and where you are in your career and personal life, this rate can vary. The question we should always ask ourselves about our branding material - whether it’s our headshots, website, audition book, etc. - is “are these things working for me?” If the answer is anything but an enthusiastic “yes!” maybe it’s time for a change.

How do I know if my headshots are working for me?

There are many ways to tell if your headshots are still in their prime. If you’re getting auditions that you feel right for and are being seen for projects that align with your branding, something’s working! Every year you’ll see friends and peers updating their headshots and sharing their beautiful new looks with the world. Believe me, I know the FOMO during prime headshot seasons. And if you want to get new looks, by all means, do! Your old ones aren’t going anywhere and, again, it’s a wonderful reason to subtly network! If you’re strategic with branding goals and communicate with a photographer, you can always find a hole in your branding - or dip your toe in another direction you hope to eventually book work in. When I was working as an optician, I began to think of headshots like glasses. Each year or two, you get your eyes checked and have the opportunity to get new specs. If your prescription hasn’t changed you’re still welcome to freshen your style or add to your collection. But if you’re wearing glasses from over 3 years ago or if the current ones are getting a little blurry, it’s a good sign a change is due!

What are some other reasons I should change my headshots?

  • Appearance Change: Your headshots should look like you. If you make any drastic appearance changes - it’s in your best interest that your current headshots reflect these. While some changes are voluntary, some aren’t and I don’t think an artist should be gatekept by circumstances outside of their control (or were for the sake of their own general well-being). It never hurts to ask a photographer about their reshoot policy! If a client of mine experiences significant weight loss or weight gain or undergoes any gender-affirming procedures within 6 months of our original shoot date, I offer a free one-look reshoot! I’ve seen other photographers hold similar policies as well!

  • Branding Change: Your headshots should always be in line with your branding goals. My favorite thing about a branding-forward approach to the industry is that the actor holds the power to make changes if they so choose! With research, intention, and a well-structured headshot update, I believe any actor can redirect their audition experiences if they feel a change in the types of stories they want to be telling.

  • Treat Yourself: Congratulations! You booked that job you really wanted to book! Or maybe you’re making your regional/tour/broadway/off-broadway/professional debut and you want a shining new headshot for that poster outside the box office! A new headshot is a great way to kick off a new journey in your career!

  • Additional Look: Sometimes your headshots are working perfectly as they should be. You’re being seen for the right stuff and you feel good about these auditions. Plenty of clients come to me for a one-look update because they’re happy with their current branding and want to test the waters of a different direction. The best way to enter a new genre is with a specific headshot taken with intention and planning.

At the end of the day, an actor's headshot is a living breathing asset that should grow and shift with our personalities and goals. Humans are not constant people. We experience change for a living. The pressure to freeze as the version of yourself that last took headshots is ever-present and the dissonance we feel as we are shifting away from that version can be uncomfortable and scary. I know it all too well! Always have an open dialogue with your photographers, because we want you to feel comfortable and represented by our work together! Also, it’s good to build relationships with your headshot photographers because as my clients grow, I do as well! There’s nothing more joyful than working with someone again, catching up on what they’ve been up to, seeing their growth, and getting our best shots yet (with a returning client discount!)


How should I prepare my headshots for an audition?


What should I know before my first professional headshot session?